
My Core Principles


As a manager, leader, and director, my role is to empower my team and give them space to create their best work. I value their diverse perspectives, constantly learning and growing alongside them.

I'm part of the team, not above it. My team is free to joke and tease me. They keep me grounded.

I believe in giving honest and direct feedback, tailored to each individual's communication style.

Always “Start with Yes.” We will not make a decision based on our emotional reaction to a request or based on the perceived difficulty of a request. We honestly evaluate the request and start with "how" and "how long." If we cannot engage in a task we will offer a compelling reason as to why we are unable to engage with a task.

Clear roles and responsibilities enable team members to thrive.

Holding people accountable while welcoming accountability is essential.

Executing a “good enough” idea perfectly is superior to a “perfect” idea executed partially.

Continual growth, evaluation, and openness to change are crucial.

Process must support the product, not the other way around.

Clear communication is fundamental to success.

We are people first. Treat everyone with empathy and a collaborative spirit.

You can tell people what to do easily enough, but unless they understand the why you’ll find yourself repeating the same thing over and over.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No one can do everything, nor should they be expected to. Pair up with people that compliment your weaknesses.